Jojan Jonker graduated in Computer Science in 1986 (Leiden University, the Netherlands). He worked for almost 20 years for a software house as consultant and Information Architect. One of his areas of interest and specialties was the influence of a company’s culture and the human factor on ICT projects. This overlaps with what today is called ‘business spirituality’. In 1998, he became Reiki Master and developed a special interest for spirituality in general and mysticism. In 2010, he graduated in Interreligious Spirituality (Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands). The topic of his Master thesis was mystical experiences of Eiki Masters. In 2011, he continued as external PhD Candidate as a both-sider: Reiki practitioner and academic scholar. In 2016, he finished his doctoral study on the topic of the migration of Reiki (a Japanese spiritual healing practice) to the West and took on his doctoral degree within the field of Religious Studies. His research interest includes Eastern traditions emerging in the West, spirituality, spiritual practices, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), healing, and mysticism.
Jonker is retired ICT consultant, independent scholar in the field of Religious Studies and is a practicing Reiki Master.